Love and Logic
Love and Logic provides simple and practical techniques to help parents and teachers have less stress and more fun while raising responsible kids.
Dr. Kevin Leman is a world-renown Christian author and speaker His books are humorous fun reads. He has a great single parenting dvd course too!
Briefly, Strategies that work:
Not sure where to find parenting classes: Inquire at your school districts, churches and agencies who provide a parenting service. Often times these classes are free or nearly free!
Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
Co-Parenting Tips and Considerations:
Avoid conflict in front of your children at all cost.
Establish a business relationship with your ex which is focused on the best interest of your children.
Be supportive of the other parents role in your child's life. Children have a right to love both parents and have their own relationships with each of you. Its one of those ideas we might not like but need to accept. When they grow up they will make the correct decisions and will respect the parent who didn't use them as a weapon.
Take responsibility for communicating with your child's other parent. I am the primary custodial parent, my spouse will not communicate with me, My solution, I came up with a newletter, similar to the newsletters sent home from school. My newsletter provides updates and notifications of up coming dates. I keep a copy for my own documentation.
When possible be flexible and willing to compromise. Set the example. If your spouse would like to pick the kids up for an impromptu event and nothing is going on, let the children decide if they'd like to go. Remind yourself, you are NOT doing it for the ex, you're doing it for the children.
Strive to provide your children with consistency and stability regardless of the other parent's actions. One parent can not control the other but we can control our parenting and behavior.
Children will cope as well as their parents do. If parents take care of themselves and are able to turn the lemon into lemonade by using this life situation to teach the children about forgiveness, how to manage feelings, demonstrate respect, responsibility and taking the high road. Children will continue to thrive.