Sunday, April 17, 2011


I enjoy playing games with the kids and keeping the TV turned off! Pictureka was a new game for us. Not only did we have fun as a family, as it is flexible in nature to use with all age groups. My 3 yr old can play with our 14 year old. I also added Pictureka to my Ipod, for grown up outings to keep the kids entertained, love it!
Another way I've enjoyed using this game is to teach my small groups at school.  I used it for a kindergarten group, to practice listening and staying on task.  I also used it for my 5th grade study skills group, as an activity when we discussed the pressure of test taking and other people finishing first.  

"Real" games are a fun way to entertain your family inexpensively and can be used to teach a variety of life skills: social, sportsmanship, money to name a few. Unfortunately in my observation, video games tend to have the opposite effect.    What are your favorite board games?
  ~  DeAnn

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