Friday, July 8, 2011

Travel Lessons Learned

I enjoy traveling to see new parts of the country. I always learn a lot. Our journey to Mt. Rushmore was no exception.  Beyond some history lessons, like did you know Mt. Rushmore isn't done? I didn't know that before our trip, nor did I know South Dakota was so beautiful and green.   This suburban mom learned a few other life lessons on this adventure:

* Small towns really do close in their entirety promptly at 9pm. 
I did not feed my kids dinner out of the hotel vending machine.

*My bank and credit cards really do care about me.
They protected me from unusual spending and closed my debit and credit card leaving me with $7.00 dollars, 6 kids and 3 days left to drive home! They graciously let me have access to $600 dollars out of my own bank account! Lesson: Let them know before you head out of town.

*My gps found roads, through peoples yards, that I couldn't see. The upside, we saw some parts of the country, we'd never thought to venture too.

Explore America, we are lucky to have such a wonderful country.

~ DeAnn

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